Monday, December 17, 2007

Met a lady who was a 100 years old

It was the first time I had met somebody that old. And it was also the first time that I met someone after they had expired. Minaal's paternal grandmother passed away at the age of 100 years & 11 months. I met her only after that. Strange na...

Thursday, October 18, 2007


It felt very strange to get a birthday card signed by only one of my parents.
Dad, i miss you.

Monday, October 1, 2007

It's been a year.

I last saw Dad on 1/10/2006. He looked calm and peaceful, strangely even handsome, but most of all dignified. Does the pain of loosing the anchor of your life ever go away?
I dont think so, you just learn how to bear it. The biggest irony of life is death.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dhondu Mama

Inaya and me have re-named Minaal from Mama to Dhondu Mama coz she is always firing us with - "Don't do this, don't do that........"

Friday, August 24, 2007

Have A Heart?

Came across a case where a 2 month old baby boy, Sahil, needed open heart surgery. His parents could not afford the operation. Baby was turning blue & needed to be admitted in to the hospital asap. It took 15 minutes & a few calls to organize contributions for the amount needed for the surgery.... The cynic in me was amazed. People still have a heart!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Bhagwan Idnani's gift to me

He was my wife's uncle. I met him for the first time on the 9th of January, 2004 just after Minaal & me got married. Her family had many reservations about me but with Bhagwan Uncle, I could feel the love & affection instantly. He was in an advanced stage of Parkinsons and always said to me "Imraan, when I meet you, I feel strong, I can fight anything..."
On the 17th of July, 2007, Bhagwan Uncle left us to go to a better place. But in his passing away he ensured that my detractors & critics ate humble pie.
My involvement in the stressful circumstances around his death and last rites made Minaal's family see me for what I am - not what some of they may have believed about me.
Thank you Bhagwan Uncle ....

Monday, July 16, 2007

"The Chapatti-maker"

Inaya is now almost 5 months old and I am introducing her to the concept of "chapatti makers" - people who believe that you have to strive to be first in class, excel in Math, go to bed by 9 pm and never cut classes or eat road-side junk.
Opposed to them are "Free Spirits" who know about the world and it's ways.....

The Half Camel & The T Stop?

My elder daughter Imaan tore a ligament doing "The Half Camel & The T Stop", simply put, a roller- skating accident

Check out this address

Radhesiam Oinam, Keisamthong Ningthou Moirang Leirak, Tidim Road, Imphal
Manipur 795 001

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Describe me in 1 word?

I sent a text message to a few close friends asking them to "Describe me in 1 word, just 1 word"
Replies: Rock; Invincible; Delightful; Charismatic; Dude Uncle; Stable; Dependable .....
Check this one out :Marlboro Man with a soft heart"!!
I will keep adding on as I get more replies, feel free to add to the above...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another Begining or The End??

Destiny brought us together. We had several mountains to climb - but finally tied the knot on ....ummm.....uhhh - oooffff - I can never remember the date ....

The Wind Beneath My Wings

God has blessed me twice over with my 2 girls - Imaan & Inaya

My Father

The near death illness and the final passing away of my Dad who was also my best friend, has changed me completely. I am not melancholic or even depressed but I do feel that the way I look at life and my reaction to situations has gone thru a sea change.
My parents went thru very tough times financially {both being orphans} while bringing me up but he never threw it in my face. He always got me what I wanted. It is now a moot point that I did not want a foreign MBA or a fancy car but I cant think of a single thing I may have faintly even hinted at desiring that I did not get.
I remember the months I spent at the Mahindra factory tinkering with his Jeep, his grooming me to interact with people of all ages and all walks of life and most of all my NEVER having to hide anything from him despite my many, many misdemeanors.His understanding of literature, history and philosophy remain un matched - I have not come across anyone with such razor sharp memory, infinite knowledge and as well read as him.
My father taught me the fine difference between ego and pride, getting angry and being firm, being humble and becoming a doormat and most of all helping people without expecting something in return.He had a special ability to touch people's lives in the most extra-ordinary manner and win them over.
If I can be half the man he was - I will die happy...
The question is will I ever be?

Nice Quotes

"The ultimate measure of a human being is NOT where he stands in moments of comfort & convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge & controversy" unknown

"Only dull people are interesting at breakfast" Ernest Hemingway

Aristotle said, to be angry is easy. But to be angry with the right person for the right reason at the right time in the right degree.... this is not easy

A good act loses it's purity when there are traces of expectations in return